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The Lesson and Life for July 26, 2015

By Emily Hill Dietrich Bonhoeffer wrote some of the most freeing words I’ve ever read when he described what it means for humans to do good in light of the revelation of God in Christ:  “The good consists of nothing more than allowing our action to be determined by the knowledge that it is not […]

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The Lesson and Life for July 19, 2015

By Emily Hill Once our eyes become opened to the injustices in the world, we start to see them everywhere. We are inundated with countless issues and causes, and it is easy to become paralyzed by all the needs around us and lose hope that we can make any kind of difference. That’s a normal […]

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The Lesson and Life for July 12, 2015

By Emily Hill We love to make ourselves feel more righteous by comparing ourselves to others—putting ourselves on the good side and them on the bad side. That tendency is especially easy when we look at the rich and powerful around us.  James issued a strong warning to the wealthy, often subtitled in our Bibles […]

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The Lesson and Life for July 5, 2015

By Emily Hill Do you ever notice how we don’t want to hear the advice that’s best for us? We’d rather keep doing what we know how to do or stay comfortable living life the way we always have. That’s what this passage reminds me of when the Israelites don’t want to hear what the […]