Bible on a Wooden Table

The Lesson and Life for July 17, 2016

Devotional thoughts on Romans 3:21-31 By Thilini Cate In Letter VIII of C.S. Lewis’s Screwtape Letters, Screwtape explains to his protégé the different purposes that God and the devils have for the human race: “We want cattle who can finally become food; He wants servants who can finally become sons.” What Lewis explains through dialogue […]


The Lesson and Life for July 10, 2016

Devotional thoughts on Romans 3:9-20 By Thilini Cate My husband and I grew up in two different cultures. He was raised in America and I, in Sri Lanka. We possessed a very different understanding of ourselves, both individually and societally. Our worlds drastically differed, from theologies to dining habits—one ate with a fork, and the […]